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Writer's pictureStevens Alpha Phi

Dear PNM,

First of all, hi! I know you must be having a lot of mixed emotions right now going into recruitment – I remember feeling a mixture of nervous and excited (but mostly nervous, to be honest. It’s normal!). I hope this letter finds you well and acts as a form of comfort as you embark on this journey. As a recent graduate, I wanted to candidly share my recruitment and sorority experience so you can focus more on the excitement, rather than the nerves.


Coming to Stevens, I was 100% against sororities (actually, I have found that a lot of my friends were also anti-sorority). I had a preconceived notion of what sorority life was like: intimidating, harsh, isolating, and scary. My mom, being a sorority girl herself, gushed to me about how much she loved her sorority and how she met amazing, inspiring women. Her words impacted me, and I figured I would give it a shot (I am a girls-girl after all). In January of 2021, I embarked on a virtual recruitment journey in the midst of a global pandemic. I won’t lie, leading up to recruitment I was extremely nervous. The unknown can be scary, but don’t worry – you’re not alone. Having recruited on the other side, talking to PNM’s is just as nerve-wracking! With that being said, from the very first conversation I had, I felt relief wash over me. Every single girl I interacted with was friendly, kind, and engaged. I truly realized I was worrying for no reason, as the conversations were meaningful and flowed easily.


It quickly became apparent to me that my home was with Alpha Phi. By the end of recruitment, my entire family knew how much I loved Alpha Phi – I couldn’t stop talking about it! When I received my bid, I didn’t even realize the way my college experience would change for the better. I had so much in front of me to look forward to – my future big and little, leadership roles, genuine friendship, support, and so much more. This was just the beginning.


Upon joining Alpha Phi, I began the process of getting my big (eek!) What an awesome experience, meeting all of the potential big sisters and getting to know each one whole-heartedly. I knew I clicked with one specific girl, none other than Delia. We hit it off instantly (over FaceTime because of COVID-19), talking about our shared love of zodiac signs, crystals, and meditation. I knew immediately that I had met someone special. We became a perfect big-little pair, building our friendship and creating memories together. Fast forward three years, she is now my roommate and one of my best friends. I have learned so much from Delia, like how to be a stronger person and be unapologetically myself. She is my favorite person to chat with, my main source of advice, and one of my biggest cheerleaders. I am forever grateful she is a part of my life.


The following year, it was my turn to become a big and find another addition to our small but mighty family. I remember the first day I met Wiki – she was wearing a green headscarf and the coolest jewelry I had ever seen. I told her right off the bat, “Wow, you remind me of Delia!” The first thing I noticed about her was her infectious smile, positive energy, and awesome hugs. She is the epitome of sunshine in a person (if you know Wiki, you know it’s true). Another amazing person walked right into my life, soon becoming my wonderful little. One of my favorite things ever is going to Wiki’s apartment, sitting on her green couch, drinking tea, and catching up. I love to hear about her interests and her passions, because I learn so much I never knew before (like, for example, an introduction into Lana Del Rey). I am also, forever grateful she is a part of my life.


This past semester, we added yet another lovely member to our family, Katarina! Katarina became Wiki’s little, and she fit perfectly in our family. She is kind-hearted, spontaneous, and always lends an ear if you need to talk. One thing I love most about her is her passion for taking pictures. I don’t take pictures often, so it was certainly new for me. But, all of our memories and fun moments are stored on her little digital camera – that is something special.


I’m sure you can tell by now, one of my favorite parts about Alpha Phi is the big-little experience. This motivated me to take on the role of Vice President New Member Education and Member Experience. My responsibilities included planning sisterhood events, coordinating Alumni engagement, organizing the big-little experience, and promoting sisterhood bonding. This allowed me to gain leadership experience while having fun with my sisters! I am so glad I put myself out there and served on the e-board.


Aside from big-little and leadership roles, Alpha Phi bought me my group of girls. The girls I go to when I need anything and everything – advice, laughter, wine and cheese nights, a shoulder to cry on, a quick trip to New York City, book recommendations, walks along the pier, and so much more. As you go through recruitment, I encourage you to keep an open mind and be yourself. Everyone is so excited to meet you, I promise. The number one thing I have taken away from my sorority experience is the following: There is truly nothing more precious than female friendships – it is the best thing of all.


Best of luck,

Jordyn Ramelli

Alumna - Former Vice President of NME & ME

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